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Photo ©

Isabella Harritz

Bleeding Lips

Isabella Harritz

Im Rahmen von Bande à Part

Flickering Souls 

Fluids changing through the stir  //  Of inspiration  //  Until we meet the heat of  //  Society  // We begin to harden – hide – quit  //  Our mask  //  A set expression  //  Our soul  //  A stream of lava  //  Seething under the surface  //  Until one day  //  We crack open  //  Our masks brittle  //  And we bleed  //  Oh darling we will bleed  //  Texture of our blood. 






Choreography/Concept: Isabella Harritz Sørensen

Music: Bláthin Eckhardt and Julius Kaufmann

Poetry: Lucy Kallenbach

11. Feb. 2020



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