Walli Höfinger
Photo ©
Walli Höfinger & Pamela Zottele
Zwei experimentelle Stücke
BUT NOT SONGS | Walli Höfinger (50 Minuten)
A personal, poetical, musical lecture performance about voice
The Wild. Is that only an idea or a concept or a reality? The Wild seems to be underrepresented in our society. There is hardly any space to express ourselves outside of forms that are within our culture. I imagine voice as creature, with its own presence and identity. Many creatures live in one voice, many voices live in one self. The Wild: Is it the unknown in our own being? The unknown in our selves? A connection which is physical, mental emotional all at once. The voice identifies the mobility of our own inner life. The voice talks about our simultaneous existence in different worlds and that we don’t know, where the journey is going.
Conception & Composition: Walli Höfinger
Vocal Consultant and Outside Eye: Jonathan Hart-Makwaia
Mis en Scène: Irene Mattioli
Performance: Walli Höfinger
Co-production: Centre Artistique International Roy Hart, 2017
You Tube: https://youtu.be/wtSi9dKxr-k
BUT NOT SONGS is an interdisciplinary lecture performance including vocal and piano compositions, movement, and text, written and performed by Walli Höfinger, consulted by Jonathan Hart-Makwaia. BUT NOT SONGS was co-produced with and presented at the Centre Artistique International Roy Hart, France in 2017 . Since many years Walli Höfinger has been engaged in the voice work of the “Centre Artistique International Roy Hart” of France, examining the roots of vocal expression from raw primal sounds to the traditional singing voice. In recent years she has been exploring this medium as a source for musical, physical and theatrical creation together with Jonathan Hart-Makwaia. Walli Höfinger and Jonathan Hart began their artistic collaborations in 2010. 2012 they produced the perfomance BIRDSONG together with Christiane Hommelsheim. BUT NOT SONGS is their second collaboration. Irene Mattioli helped to bring the composition into space.
NICHTS | Pamela Zottele (45 Minuten)
Eine Stimmperformance
Ausgehend von der dringlichen Frage nach dem Nichts beschäftigt sich Pamela mit dem Kern des Seins. Was ist, wenn nichts ist? Was ist das Nichts? Ist das Nichts ein Abgrund oder eine Quelle neuen Lebens? Wo sind die Grenzen zwischen Nichts und Etwas? Wann ist Leben und wann Tod? Verschiedene Erscheinungsformen und Wirkungen des Nichts werden erforscht. Hierfür schöpft Pamela aus ihrer eigenen Geschichte, ihrer schweizerischen Herkunft und ihrem Werdegang als Bühnenpersönlichkeit. Sie findet bei Friedrich Hölderlin eine essentielle Aussage, die gehört werden will.
Darstellerin/Text/Musik/Bühne: Pamela Zottele
Künstlerisches Coaching: Walli Höfinger
Lichtdesign: Achim Scheffler
about the Artists...
Walli Höfinger (A)
is a performance artist, voice performer and Roy Hart Voice Teacher based close to Berlin. The main focus of her artistic research lies in improvisation and composition with voice, movement, video-installation and and the piano. She works equally solo and in collaborations with other artists, amongst those Christiane Hommelsheim, Jonathan Hart-Makwaia, Deborah Hay (SPCP 2011), Experiment Stimme, Hillary Jeffrey, Det Andet Teatret, Judi WIlson, Ingo Reulecke, Magdalena Inc+ a. o. Since 2009 she is an approved Roy Hart Voice Teacher and regularly teaching voice-workshops in Germany and all around Europe.
Jonathan Hart Makwaia (US)
is a vocalist, teacher, composer and actor. He was musical director and performer for many Roy Hart Theatre productions in the 70s and 80s. Since moving to New York in 1988 he has collaborated with artists from varied disciplines while remaining actively engaged in the development of Roy Hart voice work. He also presents solo concerts around Europe and the USA: “...a spectacular display of vocal timbres and techniques” (New York Times) Jonathan has been teaching voice at New York University’s ‘Experimental Theatre Wing’ for over 20 years and continues to lead workshops around Europe, notably at the Roy Hart Centre in France every summer.
Irene Mattioli (I)
is an Italian theatre director and theatre scientist. From 2001 to 2003 she studied Direction at the National Academy of Drama “Silvio d’Amico” in Rome. In 2004 she moved to Berlin to study Dramatic Art at Berlin’s Universität der Künste (UdK). There she realised several performances, including in 2008 Sonst Sagt Niemand Etwas, a theatrical-musical adaptation after Ingeborg Bachmann’s novel Malina. From 2009 until 2011 she obtained the Master of Art in Theater Direction at the Zürcher Hochschule der Künste (Zürich). In 2010 she directed Alphabet a music and poetry performance from the homonymous poem by Inger Christensen. In 2011 she directed the play Winter by Jon Fosse at the Theater der Künste of Zürich. Most recently she realised the radio adaptation of the novel Austerlitz by W.G. Sebald for Kotti.fm, Berlin. She is a PhD student at UdK Berlin with a thesis on Paratheater in the Grotowski’s Tradition.
Pamela Zottele
ist staatlich anerkannte Bühnendarstellerin.
Sie ist vielseitig im Umgang mit ihrer eigenen Stimme, sowohl als auch in ihrer Arbeit als Stimmcoach. „Das Feld der menschlichen Stimme ist sehr groß und hochinteressant. Es gibt so viel zu entdecken.“ Zwei Hauptrichtungen sind für Pamela unverzichtbar. Die Stimmarbeit, welche die Persönlichkeit und die Freiheit im Umgang mit der eigenen Stimme in den Fokus nimmt, und die stimmbildende, physiologische Seite. „Diese beiden Herangehensweisen sind für mich unverzichtbar und ergänzen sich hervorragend.“ Pamela strebt stets nach persönlicher und künstlerischer Weiterentwicklung. Ihre erste eigene Performance ist ein Produkt davon.
10. Mai 2019
Theaterhaus Berlin Mitte