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Hugo Reis

Photo ©



Hugo Reis & Ensemble

Coco Hanke was devised and created in berlin during the course of 5 weeks in the winter of 2018, having premiered on 13.02.2018 at theaterhaus berlin mitte in a very short run of two performances only. we suspect that is why both performances were sold out. this is the second run of the show since its opening. we are optmistic and dreaming of another sold out run, but since all our friends and family have already watched the show, we don't know if this will be possible, this time. performers zuzana smetáčková and patty kim participated on the devising and creation of the original show, having also played on both performances of its first run. for this second run they have found something much better to do with their lives and, in what we will forever remember as the most dramatic moment of our time spent together, they have said good-bye to us and decided to leave the group forever, with the promise of never returning to play on the show again unless absolutely nothing better happens on their lives anymore from now until the day that they die.



Directed by: Hugo Reis

Performers: Michaela Adelberger, Johanna Boczianowski, Luise Grell, Imogen Karcher,

Marcela Dias, Fränze Kellig

Set design: Anouchka Dschungel, Hugo Reis

6. Juli 2018

With kindly support of

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Theaterhaus Berlin Mitte

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