Photo ©
Lenka Delnik
Lenka Kocisova | Akkamiau
Fructile Chaos, Fertile Nothingness, A Storehouse Of Possibilities.
Adaptation of Akkamiau’s InTerjeCtions EP, recently released on Detroit Underground, into a liminal performance. At “work in progress” showcase four-channels sound is accompanied by 3D visuals created by Jakub Krejci, sourcing in the original b&w animation by Anastasiia Holumbovska.
This obscure audiovisual content meets with movement performance by three female dancers from CollapsetoFraction collective under Calvin Bernauer choreography. Performers interact in between and also with the audience, work with their perception of the space and movement within, evoke emotions and create connections. Interjections deal with internal issues such as trauma or stress induced disorders in the beneficial and healing way through various forms of vibrations.
“Liminality can perhaps be described as a fructile chaos. A fertile nothingness, a storehouse of possibilities, not by any means a random assemblage but a striving after new forms and structure, a gestation process, a fetation of modes appropriate to anticipating post-liminal existence." Victor Turner
Spatial Sound: Lenka Kocisova, Akkamiau
Visuals: Jakub Krejci|
Animation: Anastasiia Holumbovska
Choreography: Calvin Bernauer
Performance: CollapsetoFraction, Marlene Kahl, Canay Dörtyol, Paula Pröbrock
Design: Kamba
Technical Assistance: Roy Funke
11. Dez. 2019